Who’s who in the San Juan Islands

Find people, businesses, and organizations with the knowledge, skills, or tools you need in San Juan County, WA. Our goal is to help County residents connect to other local residents, businesses, and organizations who can help them succeed.

All information is provided by the listed individuals or businesses; it is not verified by us or by our parent organization, the San Juan County EDC.

To find people or businesses with skills of interest, use the tools on the right. We’ve organized them into broad categories and added tags for more specific key terms. This directory is new and growing: if you don’t find someone with the skills you need, check back soon!

This directory is intended to focus on tech and knowledge work. By knowledge work, we mean professions that work primarily with information, e.g. computer programming, writing and editing, web or graphic design, engineering or scientific consulting, data analysis and statistics, and similar. However, we are happy to include other types of related skills.